ONE-OF-A-KIND: Your new specimen is a natural formation of Almandine Garnet in Mica. The rare crystal slice comes with a raw, reclaimed wood stand. This is a natural Mica crystal which forms in a very thin sheets, and is therefore extremely FRAGILE! Two dark red Almandine Garnets are growing through the translucent brown Mica sheet. Please handle with great care as the Mica will flake if handled roughly. You can place the Garnet Mica sheet carefully on the 6" Wood stand for display in a sturdy and secure location.
Measures: approximately 3.5 x 3.5 x 0.2 inches
Stone Meanings: Garnet healing crystals are classic Root Chakra gemstones. Garnet crystals have a healing energy to be processed by the Root Chakra and sent out to any areas of the lower body that are lacking. Garnet is a crystal for love and commitment. Garnet can assist with recovery from trauma or illness and is often known as the "Stone of Total Health".
Chakra Balancing: Root Chakras
Shape Meaning: Choose raw minerals as Earthly displays in the home or use them in your healing practice. Minerals and mine-rough healing crystal stones are great for use in chakra balancing, reiki, and crystal healing. We find these natural mineral specimens around the world and each crystal has its own fascinating formations and colorful healing properties.